How to get a tax refund from SARS
Individuals that are in salaried employment have limited tax benefits. There are, however, certain tax benefits that may be used by...
Boost your retirement savings by reducing your monthly tax burden
If you earn R50 000 a month and were shown a perfectly legal way to save almost R800 000 in tax over 20 years, would you take it? Niel...
Get a bigger chunk back from the taxman
Your best defence against the VAT increase is to become tax savvy. South African consumers will soon be paying more value-added tax...
Busting myths about retirement savings
Millions of South Africans face a future of working well past their retirement age in order to shore up finances. Inadequate financial...
Pay Less Tax While Planning For Your Future
In the National Budget address at the end of February, the Finance Minister is expected to announce tax increases. Fortunately, there are...
Loans to trusts: problems on the horizon
A common approach to estate planning is to make an interest free loan to a local trust, to enable the trust to fund assets (ideally...
Compulsory annuitisation of provident fund benefits postponed
JOHANNESBURG – Government has confirmed that the compulsory annuitisation of provident fund benefits, which was due to take effect on...
Green light For Tax Changes
A few million retirement fund members will benefit from the National Assembly’s decision this week not to amend the date (March 1 next...