Budget Speech : Savings unaffected , but offshore limit to rise
There are no measures or provisions in the 2018 Budget Review that will radically affect your investments and retirement savings,...
Money tips for parents of first-year students
If your child is one of the thousands of first-year students enrolled at institutions of higher learning for 2018, you may have found...
Why Having A Will Is A Critical Part Of Financial Planning
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5 Tax questions about offshore unit trust investments
It is more tax efficient to invest directly in an offshore unit trust in hard currency if the rand weakens while it is more efficient to...
What Is A Unit Trust ?
What Is A Unit Trust? Simply put, a unit trust fund is a way for you to invest your money. You can invest in a unit trust fund through...
How you can save South Africa
Figures signalling better-than-hoped-for economic growth in 2017 brought sighs of relief all round after South Africans experienced a...
Is holding a property in a trust still a good idea?
IOL Personal Finance Trusts have for some time been considered a tax-efficient way to hold assets, particularly immovable property....
The value of a testamentary trust
A paragraph or two in your will is not always enough to ensure that your wishes will be fulfilled after your death. To protect the...
Budget Percentage Guide
Use this as rough guideline to prepare your monthly personal budget. #Budget #Personalbudget